A Mexican telenovela that aired in 1995-6. It is the first remake of the Mexican series, “The Rich Cry too.” The second is “Marina.”
I. Sinopsis
“María Hernández is a young, humble, uneducated dreamer, who lives with her godmother Cacilda on the outskirts of Mexico City and works as a picker of recyclable material in a landfill. On the day that María turns 15, her godmother dies, who on her deathbed, asks Father Honorio to find a place where her goddaughter can work and live. Maria is welcomed by businessman Fernando De la Vega, one of the most influential and richest men in the country. There she meets and falls in love with Luis Fernando, the eldest son of the De la Vega family.”
II. Main Cast and Crew
Thalía ……………………………….María Hernández de De la Vega
Fernando Colunga ……………Luis Fernando De la Vega Montenegro
Itatí Cantoral ……………………Soraya Montenegro Vda. de Montalbán
Created by Inés Rodena
III. Episodes
Maria from the Block (original title: Maria la del Barrio) can be rented streamed or rented from Netflix.
IV. Trailer