A Mexican telenovela that aired in 1997. It is a remake of the Colombian series, “Mrs. Isabela.” Telemundo also has an adaption called, “Victoria.”
I. Sinopsis
“A woman stops in front of a mirror, she questions herself, inquires into the traces that her eyes have become, and what she sees paralyzes her. The reflex on the crystal tells her of a story full of dreams, full of promises, children and prosperity, but empty of passion. It’s the Story of Maria Ines, a woman in her 50’s, her husband, his mistress 20-years-younger, her three adult children and a man 20 years younger, who’ll help her discover that there is love and life after turning 50.”
II. Main Cast and Crew
Angélica Aragón …………………………….María Inés Domínguez Sáenz de Sanmillán
Ari Telch ………………………………………..Alejandro Salas
Fernando Luján ……………………………..Ignacio Sanmillán
Evangelina Elizondo ……………………….Emilia Elena Sáenz vda. de Domínguez
Bárbara Mori …………………………………Mónica Sanmillán Domínguez
III. Episodes
Gaze of a Woman (original title: Mirada de Mujer) is available available on DVD for purchase from Amazon.