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An Argentinian series that aired in 2007-2010.

I. Plot
A series that spanned over four seasons, ‘Teen Angels’ tells the story of a five orphaned teenagers who are exploited and abused by their guardians and their struggles to achieve their goals and dreams.

II. Main Cast and Crew
Peter Lanzani…………………. “Thiago” Bedoya Agüero (seasons 1,2,3,4)
Lali Espósito…………………….Marianella “Mar” Rinaldi (seasons 1,2,3,4)
María Eugenia Suárez…………Jazmín “Jaz” Romero (seasons 1,2,3,4)
Gastón Dalmau…………………Ramiro “Rama” Ordóñez (seasons 1,2,3,4)
Nicolás Riera……………………Juan “Tacho” Morales (seasons 1,2,3,4)

Director: Eduardo Lombana
Writer: Leandro Calderone

III. Intro

IV. Forum/Discussion
Here is the forum topic thread~~

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