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A Mexican series that aired 2017-18. It is an adaption of the Argentinian series, “Loving You.”

I. Sinopsis
A prestigious lawyer falls in love with a woman whom he is defending for euthanizing her husband.

II. Main Cast and Crew
Mayrín Villanueva………………………………..Alba Castillo Téllez Vda. de Dueñas
Juan Soler…………………………………………….Franco Urzúa Lara
Daniela Castro……………………………………..Roberta Monroy de Urzúa
Juan Diego Covarrubias……………………….Paolo Leiva Ruiz
Irina Baeva…………………………………………..Natalia Urzúa Monroy
Pedro Moreno……………………………………..Julián Soberón
Sabine Moussier…………………………………..Ingrid Dueñas López

IV. Trailer
**sorry, no English subs! 😞

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