An American telenovela that aired in 2006-07. This is the second adaption of the Mexican series, “The Rich Cry too.” First Adaption is “Maria from the Block.”

I. Sinopsis

II. Main Cast and Crew
Sandra Echeverría …………………………Marina Hernández
Mauricio Ochmann ……………………… Ricardo Alarcón Morales #1
Manolo Cardona …………………………..Ricardo Alarcón Morales #2
Aylín Mújica …………………………………Verónica Saldívar Castaño / Laura Saldívar Castaño
Susana Dosamantes ………………………Alberta Morales vda. de Alarcón
Humberto Zurita …………………………..Guillermo Alarcón Herrera

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