An American telenovela that aired in 2013-14. Adaption of the Brazilian series, “Looks and Essence.”
I. Sinopsis
“Griselda Carrasco is a strong and determined woman, whose basic principle to face the difficulties of life is that of ethics. She looks after three children and a grandchild since José Antonio her husband, disappeared in the sea 15 years ago. Without losing the enthusiasm and the desire to live, she dedicated herself to what she knows best: fixing plumbers, repairing roofs, changing wiring, painting with a thick brush. She is a “Dear Handyman”. Griselda, aboard a colorful van, is destined to run into Teresa Cristina a lady of elegant manners, smug, capable of committing the worst follies and married to Reinaldo famous chef of the restaurant Gourmet Palmer. A man of good feelings but unable to change a tire, Reinaldo will be intrigued, if not spellbound, before Griselda, the woman who solves that problem in a two by three.”
II. Main Cast and Crew
Sonya Smith ……………………… Griselda Carrasco
Juan Soler …………………………..Reinaldo Ibarra
Maritza Rodríguez ……………….Teresa Cristina Palmer Silva de Ibarra
Miguel Varoni ……………………..José Salinas
Roberto Manrique ……………….José Enrique “Kike” Salinas Carrasco
Gabriel Coronel …………………..José Antonio Salinas Carrasco